Diagnosing Oral Cancer

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Oral cancer, which includes cancers that occur in the lip, the mouth, the throat, the tonsils, or the salivary glands, can be fatal. When oral cancer is not detected early, it requires intensive treatment like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Detecting oral cancer early is important for successful treatment.

Oral Cancer Signs
In addition to coming to your regular dental checkups, visit Brentcourt Dental Group today if you notice any of the following signs:

– A lingering sore on the gums, lips, or inside of your mouth
– A lump or swelling anywhere around (or in) your mouth or throat
– Numbness or loss of feeling inside of the mouth
– Trouble eating
– Red or white patches inside of the mouth
– Unexplained soreness in the mouth
– A sensation that something is caught in the throat
– A change in voice
– A swelling of the jaw
– Ear pain
– Trouble moving your tongue or jaw
– Loose teeth for no obvious explanation

Oral Cancer Screening
It is important to realize that you may not always be able to detect the earliest signs of oral cancer yourself. Because of this, regular appointments with Drs. Chlebicki and Charles are imperative. When you come in for your professional teeth cleaning appointment, our dentists will perform an oral cancer screening.

Please call our office at 925-634-3503 today to learn more about screening for oral cancer in Brentwood, California, and to set up a visit.